G77+China seeks new world order for economic prosperity

 Blog Post 1: G77+China’s Call for a New Economic World Order

The G77+China summit in Havana, Cuba, made headlines as it represented over 100 member delegates and 30 heads of state, including United Nations head Antonio Guterres. The summit’s focus was on addressing the stark wealth disparities between the developed west and the developing south, deeming this divide unfair and unjust. In a powerful closing statement, the gathering called for the establishment of a new economic world order, signaling a potential shift in global dynamics.

Blog Post 2: G77+China’s Push for Science, Technology, and Innovation in the South

The G77+China collective, comprising 134 members (including China as a non-full member), marked September 16 as the annual Day of Science, Technology, and Innovation in the South. The summit highlighted concerns about the disparities in scientific and technological knowledge production between different parts of the world. They called upon the international community, the United Nations, and financial institutions to support efforts to strengthen science, technology, and innovation systems in developing countries.

Blog Post 3: G77+China’s Plea for Equitable Vaccine Distribution and Global Equality

The G77+China summit also addressed the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, expressing concern over the unequal distribution of vaccines. While wealthy nations received a disproportionate share, developing nations faced shortages. In a bid to tackle inequality of wealth and resources, the summit called on the United Nations to convene a special meeting. Their comprehensive 46-point declaration emphasized the urgent need for a more equitable international economic and social order, setting a course for addressing pressing global issues.


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