Pakistan Defeats India, Secures UNESCO Vice-Chair for 2023-2025 Term
Blog Post 1: Pakistan emerges victorious over India in a significant diplomatic triumph! The UNESCO Executive Board elections for the Asia Pacific Group's Vice Chair witnessed Pakistan securing a resounding 38 votes out of the 58-member board, overshadowing India's 18 votes. This success, announced during the 218th session in Paris, reflects the global community's trust in Pakistan's candidacy. Blog Post 2: The Foreign Office extends gratitude for the overwhelming support received during the UNESCO Executive Board elections. With 38 out of 58 votes, Pakistan's win is a testament to its commitment to responsible diplomacy. Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch emphasizes honest dialogue and mutual respect in fulfilling UNESCO responsibilities. Blog Post 3: Pakistan's recent victory in the UNESCO Executive Board elections not only reaffirms its diplomatic prowess but also showcases the international community's confidence in its contributions to gl...